Effect of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and health beliefs regarding osteoporosis among women in selected university, Assam
Odessa M Sutnga and Rikupar Iawim
Background: Osteoporosis commonly occurs in women and men and is characterized by compromised bone strength and quality. If left untreated, it can lead to fractures that are associated with significant morbidity and high health costs. Effective risk assessment as part of a thorough clinical evaluation is the key to detecting patients who have osteoporosis or those who are at risk for developing the disease.
Objectives: The objectives of the study was to assess the level of pre-test post-test knowledge and health beliefs regarding osteoporosis among women in selected University, to determine the effect of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and health beliefs regarding osteoporosis among women in selected University and to find out association between the knowledge and health beliefs regarding osteoporosis with selected demographic variables.
Material and Methods: Pre- experimental on group pre-test post-test design was undertaken for the study among 42 women working in Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam using purposive sampling technique. The knowledge of 42 women were assessed using self structured knowledge questionnaire regarding osteoporosis and health beliefs were assessed using osteoporosis health beliefs scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Findings showed that in pre-test mean knowledge score was 9.74±3.429 and in post-test mean knowledge score was 16.31±2.124 with mean difference of 6.57. The study showed that there is significant association between pre-test level of knowledge with selected demographic variables like marital status and source of information and there is significant association between pre-test level of health beliefs with demographic variables like source of information. Therefore, the study findings revealed that video assisted teaching programme regarding osteoporosis among women working in University was effective in improving their knowledge and health beliefs.
Conclusion: The researcher on basis of the findings conclude that video assisted teaching programme will help to improve knowledge and health beliefs of women.
Odessa M Sutnga, Rikupar Iawim. Effect of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and health beliefs regarding osteoporosis among women in selected university, Assam. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2024;7(1):71-76. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2024.v7.i1.B.368