International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part A
To assess knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of stroke among adults from selected areas of Mysore

Sheela AJ Williams and Dr. Anupama Vinay Oka

Background: Stroke is a condition in which sudden impairment of brain function develop resulting from a substantial reduction in blood flow to the brain or from intracranial bleeding. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and is one of the biggest health challenges in the 21st century.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitude of adults regarding prevention and management of strokes and to find an association between pretest level of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of strokes with their selected socio demographic variables.
Methodology: A quantitative approach with exploratory descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The samples from the selected areas of Mysuru were selected using convenient sampling technique. The sample consisted of 50 adults. The tools used for data collection was knowledge questionnaire and structured attitude scale.
Results: The study result reveal that, With respect to knowledge scores, the participants knowledge mean was 25.24, median was 26, mode was 16 with standard deviation 7.85 and score range was 12-43. Majority 34 (68%) of participants were had moderate level of knowledge, 11 (22%) of participants were had poor level of knowledge and remaining 5 (10%) of participants were had good level of knowledge. With respect to attitude, mean was 37.74, median was 37.50, mode was 26 with standard deviation 10.74 and score range was 22-65. majority 27 (74%) of participants were had favorable attitude, 19 (38%) of participants were had non favorable attitude and remaining 4 (8%) of participants were had positive attitude. association between levels of knowledge of participants regarding prevention and management of strokes is found to be statistically significant at 0.05 levels for participant’s sources of knowledge.
Conclusion: There is a need for the education for the general public related to prevention of communicable disease like stroke. The disease by and large can be prevented by making simple changes in the way people live their lives or simply by changing their lifestyle by educating them through different educational methods.
Pages : 11-14 | 607 Views | 308 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
Sheela AJ Williams, Dr. Anupama Vinay Oka. To assess knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of stroke among adults from selected areas of Mysore. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2024;7(1):11-14. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2024.v7.i1.A.359
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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