The effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding toilet training among the mother of under five children
Archa Biju
Background: Children are the important asset of the nation. Parents play a key role in toilet training they need to provide their children with direction, motivation and reinforcement. Parents have an important role in the toilet training of the children.
Objectives: To assess knowledge regarding toilet training among mothers of under five before and after administration of structured teaching programme.
Methods: A Quantitative research approach with pre test post design was used. 60 mothers were selected as a sample in the study using consecutive sampling technique. Structured questionaries was used. The structured teaching programme regarding toilet training was prepared by researcher which. The pre-test was conducted followed by Structured teaching programme was administered and the post assessment-I was assessed immediately after the completion of Structured teaching programme.
Results: Findings of the study indicate that structured teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge as the findings indicate that the mean of the post-test knowledge score (19.16) was higher by pre-test knowledge score which was (7.35).
Conclusion: Structured teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge of mothers regarding toilet training.
Archa Biju. The effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding toilet training among the mother of under five children. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(2):178-180. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2023.v6.i2.C.357