Instagram usage and academic performance among postgraduate students
Supreetha K and Mahadevaswamy P
This study evaluated the effect of Instagram usage on academic performance among postgraduate student in and around Mangalore City. The sample consisted of equal numbers of (100 each) boys and girls was chosen from 4 different Nursing colleges in and around from Mangalore. The students completed a Test for Instagram addiction (D’souza L, Samyuka A and Bivera 2018). Two way ANOVA was employed to find out the significance of difference between levels of Instagram addiction on academic performance. Results revealed male post graduate students were found to have higher levels of addiction than female postgraduate students, age and living with status does not have significant influence on Instagram addiction. In the case of academic performance is considered Academic performance scores were significantly and negatively related to all the factors of TIA except escapism.
Supreetha K, Mahadevaswamy P. Instagram usage and academic performance among postgraduate students. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(2):98-100. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2023.v6.i2.B.346