A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding use of insulin pen device in insulin administration among diabetic patients in selected hospital Mangaluru
Angel J and Johncy Rodrigues
Background: Insulin treatment is one of the standard regimens for controlling blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Insulin pen devices allow for accurate, flexible, and less complicated delivery of insulin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. However, patients must be well educated in their use, with continued communication between them and their health care provider to enable good glycemic control.
Methodology: The research design used in the study was pre-experimental one group pre-test, post-test 30 diabetic patients who are in use of insulin pen in insulin administration were selected by purposive sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was structured knowledge questionary, observational checklist. Administration of video assisted teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding use of insulin pen device was given.
Results: The findings of the assessment of level of knowledge regarding use of insulin pen device in insulin administration among diabetic patient reveals that 30% had inadequate knowledge 36.7%moderate knowledge and 33.3% had adequate knowledge. Video assisted teaching programme helped to gain more knowledge and practice level of diabetic patients regarding use of insulin pen device in insulin administration was evident through the increased posttest knowledge and practice level.90% had adequate knowledge and 10% had moderate knowledge level. 50% had excellent practice and 50% had very good practice level. The mean post-test knowledge score (x2=80.86) was apparently higher than the mean pre-test knowledge scores (x1=66.86).The paired ‘t’value of 2.045 significant at 5% level.The overall mean post test practice test (22.76) was higher than the mean pre-test practice score(8.23).The calculated‘t’ value are much higher than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance of posttest.
Conclusion: Thus the video assisted teaching programme was effective in improving knowledge and practice level of diabetic patients who are in use of insulin pen device in insulin administration.
Angel J, Johncy Rodrigues. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding use of insulin pen device in insulin administration among diabetic patients in selected hospital Mangaluru. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(1):250-257. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2023.v6.i1.D.327