A study to assess knowledge on sleep pattern and its impact on quality of life among people attending OPD at selected hospitals, Punjab
Hemant Kumar Saini, Narendra Kumar Sumeriya and Hemlata Saini
Aim: A study to assess knowledge on sleep pattern and its impact on quality of life among people attending OPD at selected hospitals, Punjab.
Material and Methods: There were originally going to be 200 participants aged 18-65, however after excluding individuals with invalid PSQI and QoL characteristics, the final sample size was 200 adults. Considering the link between depression and quality of life (QoL), we looked into depression as a potential moderator by using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9).
Results: Stress levels and overall health were both greater in the bad sleepers and decreased in the excellent sleepers (all p<0.001). Poor sleep quality was associated with a higher prevalence of depression (as measured by a PHQ-9 score of 10) and functional restriction due to SCD than excellent sleep quality was (p<0.001). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the mean EQ-5D index score, with the poor sleep quality group having a lower score. Comparing individuals with poor sleep quality (0.79; 0.39-0.89) to those with high sleep quality (0.89; 0.74-0.94), there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). The percentage of individuals reporting some or severe issues across all five EQ-5D categories was likewise greater in the poor sleep quality group compared to the excellent sleep quality group.
Conclusion: In this research, we employed the PSQI to evaluate sleep and discovered that some aspects of poor sleep quality were associated with QoL in a statistically significant manner.
Hemant Kumar Saini, Narendra Kumar Sumeriya, Hemlata Saini. A study to assess knowledge on sleep pattern and its impact on quality of life among people attending OPD at selected hospitals, Punjab. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(1):174-178. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2023.v6.i1.C.314