Effect of implementing acupressure therapy on gastrointestinal tolerance and growth monitoring for premature neonates
Amal Gaballah Ghaleb Ghonem, Rahma Soliman Bahgat, Hanan Mohamed Elsadany, Sabah Mohamed Elsayed Sharshour
Background: Premature neonates gastro intestinal tract are immature which may lead to Feeding intolerance, which affects growth, therefore, acupressure therapy has been used for improvement that.
Aim of the study: Was to determine the effect of acupressure therapy on gastrointestinal tolerance and growth monitoring among premature neonates.
Subject and Methods: Sixty premature Neonates study was conducted at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Tanta University Hospital.
Tools: Three tools were used for data collection. Bio-socio-demographic Data, feeding pattern and growth monitoring of premature neonate.
Results: Premature neonates in study groups had less feeding intolerance and reached to full feeding faster compared to premature neonates in control group.
Conclusion: Premature neonates who received acupressure therapy took less time to reach full feeding and exhibited less feeding intolerance criteria and increased in growth parameters compared to premature neonates in control group.
Recommendations: Neonatal intensive care unit nurses' should attend training courses regarding acupressure therapy to gain knowledge about importance of acupressure and how to practice it effectively and Combination between medical and routine nursing care of premature neonates and acupressure technique should be considered in the policy of the Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
Amal Gaballah Ghaleb Ghonem, Rahma Soliman Bahgat, Hanan Mohamed Elsadany, Sabah Mohamed Elsayed Sharshour. Effect of implementing acupressure therapy on gastrointestinal tolerance and growth monitoring for premature neonates. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(1):137-143. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2023.v6.i1.B.312