Barriers to PIH management and possible solutions: Patient’s perspective
Dorothy Kanyamura, Mathilda Zvinavashe and Maxwell Mhlanga
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension is a pattern of high blood pressure during pregnancy. It is one of the major causes of maternal mortality and neonatal morbidity in the world, contributing about 5-14% of pregnant women globally (Arshad et al., 2014). In Zimbabwe, despite the availability of guidelines for PIH management, PIH still contribute about 19.4% (Muti et al., 2015) more than global statistics. For this reason, this study sought to assess barriers to PIH management and possible solutions or strategies. The strategies will help to curb both maternal and neonatal mortality. The study employed descriptive qualitative design. Focus group discussions (FGDs), each with 8 participants, were held in Bindura District and Bindura provincial Hospital. Women diagnosed with PIH, in age group 18 to 49 years were included in the study and these were able to speak Shona or English. Approval was obtained from respective ethical review boards. FGDs followed a semi-structured questionnaire. Comprehensive notes were taken during the interviews which were also being audiotaped. Data were analyzed thematically and manually. Themes identified were barriers and possible solutions to PIH management. Barriers were poor cultural practices, religious practices, employment and use of herbs. Possible solutions were to develop culture-specific health education and interventions to improve health seeking behavior of PIH patients and to reduce adverse perinatal outcomes. Husbands as family heads to be actively involved in the management of PIH and accompanying their wives to the hospital. This is critical in improving ANC visits and general management of PIH among pregnant women.
Dorothy Kanyamura, Mathilda Zvinavashe, Maxwell Mhlanga. Barriers to PIH management and possible solutions: Patient’s perspective. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2023;6(1):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v6.i1.A.292