Menstrual health may be defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely absence of menstrual problems. It is essential for improving global public health and achieving sustainable developmental goals. Psychosocial problems are common during menstruation in adolescent girls. Menstrual problems affect their, academic performance, school attendance and social life. Menstrual problems are affective and somatic in nature.
1)To assess the existing knowledge regarding psychosocial adjustment during menstrual period among adolescent girls of higher secondary school in rural area at Nagpur district.
2)To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching program regarding psychosocial adjustment during menstrual period among adolescent girls of selected higher secondary school in rural area at Nagpur district.
3)To associate the post-test knowledge score with the selected demographic variables.
Method: The study based on Quantitative research approach this was a pre experimental one group pre- test post- test research design. The setting of the study was selected areas of Nagpur District, sample size was 60. Sampling technique was non probability convenient sampling Technique for the selection of sample? The tool was structured questionnaire. This was pre-test. The structured teaching programme was given to adolescent girls. The post- test done by using the same tool to identify change in knowledge.
Results: After the detailed analysis of the study, we found the results that, there is significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test knowledge scores
Conclusion: Knowledge was increased in post-test as compare to pre-test knowledge.