A study to assess the effect of warm foot bath on quality of sleep among cancer patients
Dr. Sunita Kumari
People with cancer, better sleep may help in feeling better both physically and emotionally, improving their ability to cope with cancer. The quality of sleep was assessed by using Groningen sleep quality scale. Warm foot bath was administered by the researcher for 20 minutes in experimental group. For control group, routine care without warm footbath was given. Post-test was done to assess the quality of sleep in experimental group and control group by using Groningen sleep quality scale. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data.
Insomnia is defined as a subjective complaint of inadequate nocturnal sleep. It is the most common sleep disorder reported by cancer patients. Although alterations in sleep patterns are endemic among this population, sleep problems are rarely assessed in a typical patient evaluation.
Unpaired 't' test was used to compare the effect of warm foot bath on quality of sleep among patients with cancer in the experimental and control group. It was identified that the mean value of quality of sleep among patients with cancer in the experimental and control group was 4.66 (SD=2.24) and 7.76 (SD= 1.66) I found Calculated “value is 6.026 is greater than the table “t” value of 2. 0 at 0.05 level of significance where DF Value was 58. Above mentioned values reject the null hypothesis (p<0.05) and accept the research Hypothesis. There results show highly significant difference in the quality of sleep.
Dr. Sunita Kumari. A study to assess the effect of warm foot bath on quality of sleep among cancer patients. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(2):31-34. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i2a.269