Effectiveness of structured teaching Programme on knowledge regarding prevention of congenital anomalies among staff nurses at selected hospitals, Jaipur
Ankit Kumar Garg and Dr. P Shanthi Sophia Ida
Pregnancy period is the most exciting and remarkable time for mother because she used to dream acute and healthy baby. Whatever the antenatal mother consumes, it affects the fetus.
Aims and Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of congenital anomalies by comparing pre-test post-test knowledge score.
Methodology: quantitative research approach with one group pre-test post-test design was used. 200 staff nurses were selected with purposive sampling technique data were collected with structured questionnaire.
Result: Overall mean of pre-test score is 15.3 whereas the mean of post-test score is 26 with 10.7 mean differences the standard deviation of pre-test was 1.71 whereas in post-test the standard deviation was 1.66 The calculated value of t‘ is 63.61 at the 0.05 level of significance and the tabulated value of ‗t‘ is 1.96 at the 0.05 level of significance on 199 degree of freedom. The calculated value is higher than the tabulated value so we can say that the structured teaching programme on prevention of congenital anomalies can enhance the knowledge of staff nurses. Gender, professional qualification and working experience were had significant association with knowledge level.
Summary and Conclusion: STP improve the knowledge of staff nurses regarding prevention of congenital anomalies.
Ankit Kumar Garg, Dr. P Shanthi Sophia Ida. Effectiveness of structured teaching Programme on knowledge regarding prevention of congenital anomalies among staff nurses at selected hospitals, Jaipur. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(2):15-18. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i2.A.266