International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2022, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part D
A study on knowledge, practice and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers attending immunization clinic at selected rural health centers of Jabalpur district with view to develop health instructional module

Archana Peter and Dr. Malti Lodhi

The study adopted was a quantitative research approach with a descriptive cross sectional research design “A Descriptive cross sectional Institution based study on knowledge, practice and attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding among mothers attending immunization clinic at selected rural health centers of Jabalpur district with view to develop health instructional module.” The population comprises of 40 infants mother attending immunization clinic at selected rural health centers CHC Patan of Jabalpur district. A purposive sampling technique used to select the samples. A structured knowledge checklist, practice checklist and likert scale for attitude was develop to collect the data. Health instructional module was developed and distributed to all mother who are sample if study after data collection. Reliability if 5he tool was calculated by Karl Pearson Co- relation coefficient and tool was found to be reliable r=0.79. The pilot was carried out. The objectives were achieved through finding of score the value found by doing Pilot study shown that the 20 mothers have average knowledge about exclusive breast feeding, 17 mothers have average practice and 29 mothers have positive attitude towards exclusive breast feeding. The mean value of knowledge 17.05, SD. .987, Mean value of practice was 16.65 and SD .829 and attitude mean was 17.82 and SD .499. The knowledge and practice had negative correlation. The association of knowledge with education was significant, association of practice with parity was significant and association of attitude with monthly income was significant. Conclusion: In this study found that the mother’s average knowledge and positive attitude towards exclusive breast feeding but practice rate is low due to poor guidance during postnatal period. Need proper guidance about proper position of the baby and proper attachment and of newborn with mother’s breast.
Pages : 256-261 | 924 Views | 439 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
Archana Peter, Dr. Malti Lodhi. A study on knowledge, practice and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers attending immunization clinic at selected rural health centers of Jabalpur district with view to develop health instructional module. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(1):256-261. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i1.D.259
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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