An exploratory study to assess the physiological and psychological impact of the COVID-19 on staff nurses working in the selected hospitals of Ambala, Haryana
Amrita Charlotte Kapoor, Renu Bala, Rakhi Devi, Sapna Devi, Priyanka Kumari, Pooja, Geetanjali, Kavita Devi, Lakshu and Aaizaz Khan
1.To assess the psychological impact of COVID-19 on staff nurses working in the selected hospital of Ambala, Haryana.
2.To assess the physiological impact of COVID-19 on staff nurses working in the selected hospital of Ambala, Haryana.
3.To find out association of physical impact of COVID-19 with their selected socio demographic variables on staff nurses working in the selected hospital of Ambala, Haryana.
4.To find out association of psychological impact of COVID-19 with their selected socio demographic variables on staff nurses working in the selected hospital of Ambala, Haryana.
Methodology: A quantitative study by using exploratory survey approach was used to a sample size of 60 Staff nurses were selected by using simple random Sampling technique, assess the psychological and physiological impact and also association between socio-demographic variables and psychological and physiological impact of COVID-19. It enables the researcher to develop the methodology, analysis and interpretation of data.
Results: Among 60 subjects, 18.3% had severe psychological impact of COVID-19, 45.0% had moderate psychological impact of COVID-19, 36.7% had mild psychological impact of COVID-19 and 18.3% had severe physiological impact of COVID-19, 68.3% had moderate physiological impact of COVID-19 and 13.3% had mild physiological impact of COVID-19.
The study was found feasible and reliable and the reliability was r=0.89 which shows that tool was internally consistent.
Amrita Charlotte Kapoor, Renu Bala, Rakhi Devi, Sapna Devi, Priyanka Kumari, Pooja, Geetanjali, Kavita Devi, Lakshu, Aaizaz Khan. An exploratory study to assess the physiological and psychological impact of the COVID-19 on staff nurses working in the selected hospitals of Ambala, Haryana. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(1):128-134. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i1b.242