Effects of excessive playing of online games on anxiety and violent behavior among adolescents–pilot study
Aravind Shirshail Indi, Dr. Geeta Vikas Shiroor
Background: Computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern societies and they target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most common recreational programs for today's teenagers, so that they do anything to reach a higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so much that they completely separate from their surroundings.
Objectives: To assess the effects of excessive playing online games on anxiety and violent behaviours, to find out correlation between anxiety and violent behaviour related to excessive playing of online games and to find association between level of anxiety, violence behaviour among adolescents with their selected demographic variables.
Methodology: A quantitative approach with e descriptive co-relational survey design was adopted for the study. The samples from the selected areas of Baramati district were selected using purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 50 adolescents. The tools used for data collection was Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and violence behaviour assessment scale.
Results: Majority 49(98%) of participants were had mild level of anxiety and remaining 1(2%) of participants were not had anxiety. Majority 40(80%) of participants were had mild level of violence and remaining 10(20%) of participants were had moderate level of violence behaviour. The correlation between anxiety and violence behaviour scores is found positive and not significant at p<0.05 levels. No significant association found between anxiety, violence behaviour and selected socio demographic variables.
Conclusion: There is a need for the education for the adolescents and their parents for the prevention of excessive playing of online games and making them to engage in other physical activities.
Aravind Shirshail Indi, Dr. Geeta Vikas Shiroor. Effects of excessive playing of online games on anxiety and violent behavior among adolescents–pilot study. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(1):119-123. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i1b.239