A study to assess the self-protection behaviors of covid-19 among adults
Dr. S Tamilselvi and J Harini
Covid-19 has the extraordinary spreading properties and it caused by SARSCOV2. Most of the people are asymptomatic. The best way to prevent the spread of disease to be well informed about the Covid-19 and it causes and how it spreads. The individual are aware of the danger of disease and alter their behaviour and preventive measures. The main measures to require care of proper hand hygiene like hand washing, appropriate social distancing, wearing quality of mask properly, avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth unnecessarily, using tissue once you sneeze or cough, using gloves once you travelling outside. Therefore, personal protective behaviours are indicated for adolescents as essential to reduce the danger of transmission. The aim of the study was to assess the self-protection behaviours of Covid-19 among adults and the association between self-protection behaviours of Covid-19 among adults with their selected demographic variables. A quantitative research approach was conducted to the selected area at Thiruvallur using non-experimental descriptive research design. A convenience sampling technique was used to select 100 samples. The study aimed to assess the self-protection behaviours of Covid-19 among adults. The data was collected with the prior permission from the village Leader. A self-structured questionnaire was developed from the researcher to assess the self-protection behaviours of Covid-19 among adults with consist of 34 questions. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyse the data. The sample characteristics are described by frequency and percentage. Chi-square test was used to assess the self-protection behaviors of Covid-19 with selected demographic variables. The result revealed that extent of self-protection behaviours of Covid-19 among adult shows that 98% had moderate self-protection behavior and 2% had good self- protection behaviour. The study findings revealed that, the extent of self-protection behaviour of Covid-19 among adults were moderate and lack of awareness and practice will improve the self-protection behaviour to promote health and prevent spread of the disease in enhancing behaviour related to updated trends with regard self-protection behavior of Covid-19.
Dr. S Tamilselvi, J Harini. A study to assess the self-protection behaviors of covid-19 among adults. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(2):79-81. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i2b.188