Effect of educational intervention on nurses' perception and performance related to infection control measures of Covid-19 pandemic at the Pediatric Unit
Mabrouka Atia Nada and Sabah Mohammed Sharshour
The current Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted and changed lives on a global scale since its emergence and spread from China in late 2019. It has caused millions of infections and thousands of deaths worldwide. However, the control of this pandemic still remains unachievable in most countries including Egypt, despite the application of some strict preventive and control measures for pandemic. The aim of the study was to assess perceptions and performance of nurses working at pediatric care units towards the COVID-19 crisis. Subjects and method: A conveniences sampling composed of 80 nurses using a quasi-experimental research design. Two tools were used: sociodemographic characteristic of nurses, structured interview, perception and nurses' performance using observational check list.
The results revealed that after implementation of the educational program significant improvement in nursing perception and decrease in practice in second wave.
Conclusion: nurses have a good knowledge and perceptions and all of the nurses were sure that face mask protect against infection and effectively apply standard infection control measures, while in second wave nurses have good knowledge and they were not strictly apply standard precaution effectively.
Recommendation; it was recommended that nurses should continuously provision of infection control, personal protective equipment and the importance periodic of training of all health care workers on proper infection control measures.
Mabrouka Atia Nada, Sabah Mohammed Sharshour. Effect of educational intervention on nurses' perception and performance related to infection control measures of Covid-19 pandemic at the Pediatric Unit. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(1):311-319. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i1e.166