Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding biomedical waste management norms
Ms. Nidhi Soni
On March 27 2019, the Government of India published the Biomedical Waste Management Rules. Hospitals and other health care institutions are one of the essential commodities of daily life. Biomedical wastes are any waste that is generated during diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals. Hospitals generate substantial quantity of wastes that has potential to cause health and environmental hazards.
In the new Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2019, several changes and additions have been made to further improve the collection, segregation, processing, treatment and disposal of the Biomedical Waste in an environmentally sound manner.
Aim: The present study aim to assess the knowledge of fourth class workers regarding bio medical waste management among selected hospital, Indore.
Design: The research approach used in the study is quantitative approach.
Sample: convenient sample of 60 fourth class of selected hospital, Indore.
Result: The calculated value of “t” at degree of freedom 59 is 24.52 which is greater than the tabulated value at p=2 0.05 level of significance. Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted ie, there is significant difference in the level of knowledge before and after administration of Planned teaching programme among fourth class group. The unpaired’ test value after intervention in fourth class group is 27.01(df=59), which is greater than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. Thus, H2 is accepted that there is significant difference in the knowledge score of fourth class group and control group. So, H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
Conclusion: The study concludes that fourth class workers of selected hospital, Indore implies the knowledge regarding Biomedical Waste Management norms 2019 has been enhanced.