A study to assess the knowledge regarding biomedical waste management among nursing officers in selected areas of PCMC Hospital, Pune
Chhaya Vinod Dhengle
The biomedical waste has become a serious health hazard in many hospitals. The waste has been disposed off illegally in to the garbage and into the severs in most of the parts of the world including India. In many places, the waste is disposed carelessly and indiscriminate disposal of this waste by healthcare. So many hospitals waste spread serious disease such as hospitals and AIDS (HIV) among though who handle it and also among the general public the waste disposal is at generator site and nurses are highly responsible for biomedical waste management they play a leading role in managing and supervising hospital waste.
Problem statement A study to assess the knowledge regarding biomedical waste management among Nursing officers in selected areas of PCMC Hospital, Pune.
Methodology A Non Probability Purposive Sampling Technique was used for this study
Materials and methods Research Approach: In This Study Used evaluative approach
Research Design was used Non Experimental descriptive design: The setting for this study was the selected hospitals in PCMC, Pune. The population of the present study conducted in selected hospitals at PCMC, Pune. Sample for this study consists of Nursing officers working in selected areas of PCMC Hospital, Pune. The General Systems Theory was used for the study which is developed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. The setting for this study was the selected hospitals in PCMC, Pune.
Results The study concluded that Half (50%) of the Nursing officers had average knowledge (Score 7-13), 26.7% of them had poor knowledge (Score 0-6) and 23.3% of them had good knowledge (score 14-20) regarding biomedical waste management.60.0% of the Nursing officers knew the personal protective measures. 53.3% of them were aware of the colour of the container in which are needles and blades disposed. 46.7% of them knew Plastic syringe will be discarded in what colour bin. 46.7% of them knew Cotton dressing soiled with blood goes in which colour code.50% of them knew General and domestic waste is put in what colour bag. 60% of them knew the waste disposal methods. 43.3% of them knew what the disease caused during hospitalization are called. 30% of them knew Hospital infection control concerns personnel. The investigator concluded that in the wake of increased demand on quality care and accreditation also in the best concern of the clients there is a need to improve the knowledge level of Nursing officers regarding biomedical waste management. Staff training activity like continuing nursing education, workshops and seminars on the concerned topic should be undertaken. Also periodic assessment through competency matrix and evaluation is required.
Chhaya Vinod Dhengle. A study to assess the knowledge regarding biomedical waste management among nursing officers in selected areas of PCMC Hospital, Pune. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2019;2(2):100-105. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2019.v2.i2.B.61