Caregiver’s strain and quality of life among gynecological cancer survivors
Dr. R Shankar Shanmugam, R Revathi, Christina R and A Senthil Kumaran
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of Care giver’s strain and Quality of life among gynecological cancer survivors.
Methods: A descriptive study design was adopted. The participants of 100 were selected, by convenient sampling technique. The Structured interview schedule was used to collect the data from samples by using Care givers Strain index (CSI) scale and WHO-BREF Scale for Quality of life.
Results: Among 100 samples, 34% of the caregivers are having less level of strain, 66% of them are having a more strain level of score. The overall findings showed that 56 % of the care giver’s has poor level of QOL, 44% of them are having a average level of QOL. The overall findings stated that there is a negative, moderate correlation between caregivers strain score and QOL. QOL increases when caregivers strain decreases (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Care givers of gynecological cancer survivors are having more strain score and less quality of life. Adequate intervention need to be given to address the Strain and Quality of life
Dr. R Shankar Shanmugam, R Revathi, Christina R, A Senthil Kumaran. Caregiver’s strain and quality of life among gynecological cancer survivors. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2019;2(1):111-114. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2019.v2.i1b.38