A study to assess the level of subjective distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs among the patients with mental illness receiving psychotropic drugs at Dimhans Dharwad India: A pilot study
Vijay Kumar, Suresh G Hadapad and Dr. Sunanda GT
Background: Psychotropic drugs are one of the preferred treatment modalities for the psychiatric illnesses. These drugs produce variety of side effects like extra pyramidal symptoms, sedation, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. Due to side effects patients experience distress. Very few studies have been conducted in India about subjective distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs. This research study was conducted to determine level of subjective distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs among patients with psychiatric illness.
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the level of subjective distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs.
Methods: A descriptive-cross sectional pilot study was conducted involving 50 psychiatric patients receiving psychotropic drugs. The psychiatric patients receiving psychotropic drugs who agreed to participate in the study answered the questions asked by the researcher from antipsychotic side-effects checklist.
Results: The study revealed that out of 50 psychiatric patients receiving psychotropic drugs had 68% of moderate level of side effects and subjective distress, 28% of mild level of side effects and subjective distress and 04% of severe side effects and subjective distress.
Conclusion: The study showed that patient receiving psychotropic drugs had moderate level of side effects, which in turn will contribute to drug non compliance, and relapse of psychiatric illness. Nursing interventions like counseling, psycho-education can contribute to reduce distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs.
Vijay Kumar, Suresh G Hadapad, Dr. Sunanda GT. A study to assess the level of subjective distress related to side effects of psychotropic drugs among the patients with mental illness receiving psychotropic drugs at Dimhans Dharwad India: A pilot study. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2019;2(1):87-90. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2019.v2.i1b.33