A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) among students nurses in selected school of nursing, Delhi
Meenakshi Tyagi and Rohini Sharma
International Patient Safety Goals are a set of requirements that are crucial for foundation of a patient safety approach at hospital level. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) by comparing the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores before and after the Structured Teaching Programme and to find out the association between the levels of knowledge of student nurses regarding International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) with selected demographic variables.
Methodology: The research approach was quantitative and the research design was one group pre-test design. The population was Nursing Students and selected by total convenient sampling technique. Sample size was 121 Nursing Students. Structured questionnaires were developed for data collection and validated by experts. The study was conducted at Apollo School of nursing, New Delhi.
Results: The pre-test knowledge score revealed that 0.33% (1) had good knowledge, 80.9% (98) had average knowledge and 15.7% (22) had poor knowledge and post-test knowledge score revealed that 61.9% (76) had good knowledge, 36.3% (44) had average knowledge and 0.08% (1) had poor knowledge regarding International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG). The calculated ‘z’ test value 2.40 is more than the tabulated value 2.0 at 0.05 the level of significance. The mean difference between the pre and post-test is significant. This reveals that the structured teaching program was effective in increasing the knowledge of Nursing Students regarding International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG).
Conclusion: Student will become future nurse & they will provide quality care to the patient. So, all institutes should provide knowledge on International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) to all students.
Meenakshi Tyagi, Rohini Sharma. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) among students nurses in selected school of nursing, Delhi. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2024;7(2):250-252. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2024.v7.i2.D.422