International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part C
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding cervical cancer among reproductive age group women in selected community area at Bengaluru

Shiuli Akter

Aim: The Study is to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding cervical cancer among reproductive age group women in selected community area at Bengaluru.
Methods: An evaluative approach was adopted to conduct this study and the design used was quasi experimental design (one group pre-test and post-test design). A simple random sampling technique was used for generating necessary data a self-structured questionnaire was developed which consisted of 30 questions. Questionnaire was confined to the 4 areas which included General information on cervical cancer. Pathogenesis, Assessment of cervical cancer, Management, and prevention of cervical cancer. A final study was carried out on 60 reproductive age group women in Abbigere, Bengaluru, age between (35-45yr). Based on the objectives, the data was analysed by using various statistical tests such as frequency, mean, mean percentage and standard deviation paired ‘t’ test, chi-square test.
Results: Findings of this study revealed that out of 60 samples, Majority 65% of them had poor knowledge (≤50%) scores, 35% of them had average knowledge (51 75%) scores and none of them had adequate knowledge (>75%) score in pretest regarding cervical cancer. In post-test Among the 60 subjects under study, majority 63.33% of them had high knowledge level (>75% score), 36.67% had average knowledge level (51-75% Score) and none of them had poor knowledge level (≤ 50% score).The mean pretest knowledge was 20.68% with SD 27.19%. The mean post-test knowledge found to be 40.38% with SD 30.56%. However, the enhancement was proved as mean (19.7%) and SD of (3.37%). Further, the paired t-test value (2.18) shows statistical significance at level of p <0.05 with df (59), establishing the effectiveness of PTP. There is no association between pretest knowledge scores and selected demographic variables such as Age, Marital Status, Number of children, Religion, Diet, Educational status, Occupation, Monthly Income of the family, Family history of cervical cancer, Life style, Previous knowledge regarding cervical cancer, Last source of information on cervical cancer. The level of significance was set at 5%.
Interpretation and Conclusion: After the detailed analysis, the study leads to the conclusion that there is increased knowledge level of reproductive age group women about cervical cancer after planned teaching programme.
Pages : 185-189 | 268 Views | 92 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
Shiuli Akter. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding cervical cancer among reproductive age group women in selected community area at Bengaluru. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2024;7(2):185-189. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2024.v7.i2.C.416
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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