Needlestick injuries among health care worker: A narrative review
Priyanka Yadav
A needle stick injury is a transcutaneous penetrating wound usually set by a needle tip but possibly additionally at more sharp instruments or objects. It is mostly considered savage in medical facility and Health care workers with recurrent blood exposures are: nursing staff, nursing students, interns and medical students, labor and delivery room personnel, laboratory technicians, physicians, surgeons, emergency care providers, dentists, health facility cleaning staff, and clinical waste handlers.
Objective: The objective of this narrative review is to find the prevalence, knowledge, attitude, practice, and response to needle stick injuries.
Method: Types of studies: A computerized search has been done to collect the articles that are available in different databases from t019 to 2022. The search strategy was limited to only the English language and considered only the studies that were conducted on human species. The initial search strategy is made by using terminology and its synonyms, which are processed in databases such as PubMed and EEBSCO.
Result: Needle stick injuries are common among health care workers. The prevalence, knowledge, attitude, prevalence, and incidence are such that most nurses, health workers, and nursing students will experience a needlestick injury in their career. It is important to be aware of many preventive measures, including vaccination and the safe handling of sharps, which can reduce transmission. If an injury does occur, it is imperative to promptly report it to your supervisor and seek appropriate care.
Conclusion: This article is accomplished, considering the achievements.
Priyanka Yadav. Needlestick injuries among health care worker: A narrative review. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2024;7(2):31-34. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2024.v7.i2.A.396