International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2022, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part C
Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and attitude of birth preparedness among primigravida mothers

K Priya and J Darcus Deva Sinthiya

Background: Birth preparedness is a safe motherhood initiative with the objective of planning for normal birth and anticipating actions needed in the case of emergency. The pregnant mother and their families are encouraged to effectively plan for births and deal with anticipated complication, if they occur it ensures that the readiness and timely utilization of skilled maternal and unit health care services.
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and attitude of birth preparedness among Primigravida mothers.
Design: Quasi Experimental one group pretest and posttest design was used.
Setting: The study was conducted in Government Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvallur, Tamilnadu in Maternal and Child Health Center.
Sample: Primigravida mothers in their third trimester who visited the antenatal OPD at Thiruvallur GH served as study participants.
Tools: Demographic Variables, Self-structured knowledge questionnaire, self-structured 5 point Likert Scale to assess the attitude.
Results: The study results showed that knowledge level in the pretest was 42(42%) of Primigravida mothers had moderately adequate knowledge, 41(41%) had inadequate knowledge and 17(17%) had adequate knowledge on birth preparedness whereas in the post test, 79(79%) had adequate knowledge and 21(21%) had moderate adequate knowledge on birth preparedness among Primigravida mothers. The attitude level in the pretest was 79(79%) of Primigravida mothers had moderately favourable attitude, 17(17%) had favourable attitude and 4(4%) had unfavourable attitude on birth preparedness whereas in the post test, 78(78%) had favourable attitude and 22(22%) had moderate favourable attitude on birth preparedness among Primigravida mothers. There was a significant ix difference between the pretest and post test score of knowledge and attitude which clearly infers that structured teaching programme on birth preparedness administered to the Primigravida mothers was found to be effective in improving their level of knowledge and attitude in the post test.
Pages : 190-199 | 1253 Views | 756 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
K Priya, J Darcus Deva Sinthiya. Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and attitude of birth preparedness among primigravida mothers. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(2):190-199. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i2.C.285
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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