International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2022, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part B
S. No. Title and Authors Name
Assess the knowledge of assertive behavioral response on sexual abuse among adolescent girls in selected high school, Bhubaneswar
Sakuntala Giri, Shaswati Jena, Suchismita Giri, Kshyanaprava Behera, Dipti Mondal, Priyanka P Mallik and Litali Sahoo
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 68-72
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 93 KB  |  998 Views  526 Downloads
Effect of mobile based educational program on mother’s knowledge and practice regarding care of children with helicobacter pylori infection
Hanan Mohamed Tork, Fatma Ismael Mohammed and Rasha Rady El Said
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 73-86
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : Egypt  |  File Size: 323 KB  |  1010 Views  554 Downloads
Assessment of pulmonary function test among employees of petrol filling stations
Indumathy V, Dr. Gandhimathi M and Dr. Kishore J
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 87-90
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 176 KB  |  816 Views  400 Downloads
A comparative study to evaluate the effectiveness of constructive teaching program (CTP) and self-instructional module (Sim) on knowledge regarding breast cancer among B.Ed students of selected B.Ed College, Hubballi-Dharwad
Shreya Vaz, Dr. Asha H Bhatakhande and Sunil MB
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 91-98
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 282 KB  |  939 Views  441 Downloads
A descriptive study to assess the perception on internet memes regarding educational system among college students in a selected college at Coimbatore
S Karthigai Eswari, G Ganesan, P Gayathri, K Harini Sree, J Jayakani Rachel, Jeena P Reji, H Joshua, G Kanchana, M Karthikeyan, P Kaviya and Komal Chakravarti
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 99-102
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 166 KB  |  1091 Views  586 Downloads
Effectiveness of a structured teaching program on knowledge and practice of school children regarding environmental sanitation and prevention of dengue fever at rural areas of Belagavi district
Praveenakumar Koti and Meenaxi R Devangmath
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 103-107
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 102 KB  |  973 Views  490 Downloads
A study to assess the relationship between academic performance and parenting style among the nursing students
Dhanya VJ, Shreya Sarkar, Debarati Mahata
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 108-112
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 133 KB  |  1293 Views  767 Downloads
OSCE as summative evaluation for neurological examination: Perception of nursing students
Uma, Muthukumaran, Dr. Anupama K, Dr. Neelam Kaur and Usha
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 113-116
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : India  |  File Size: 153 KB  |  793 Views  374 Downloads
Effect of educational intervention on Nurses performance about precautionary measures and coping skills with stressors facing children with COVID-19
Marwa Mahmoud Elgendy, Rahma Soliman Bahgat and Nahla AbdElnaby Elsayed
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 117-129
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : Egypt  |  File Size: 290 KB  |  800 Views  376 Downloads
Effect of educational program regarding eye infection care on mothers' performance and their children outcomes
Samah SamyMehrem, Rahma Soliman Bahgat and Sabah Mohamed Sharshor
Int. J. Adv. Res. Nurs., 2022; 5(2): 130-141
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country : Egypt  |  File Size: 245 KB  |  836 Views  410 Downloads
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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