Assess the awareness regarding breast cancer among women seeking out- patient care at family planning OPD of SSH, BHU, Varanasi
Rajni Joshi and Dr. Vijay Kumar Jyotishi
Introduction: Breast cancer, a major global health concern, disproportionately affects women, with increasing incidence in developing countries. Effective strategies include early detection, improved healthcare access, and addressing lifestyle risk factors.
Methodology: This cross- sectional descriptive study at the Family Planning Outpatient Department (FP-OPD) of Sir Sunderlal Hospital, Banaras Hindu University (SSH, BHU), aims to assess breast cancer awareness among women seeking outpatient care. It focuses on understanding their knowledge of breast cancer signs and symptoms, along with awareness of associated risk factors. The study includes 50 participants selected through non-probability convenience sampling, targeting women and their female relatives attending the FP-OPD. Utilizing the Breast Cancer Awareness Measure (B-CAM) questionnaire, the research gathers demographic data and evaluates awareness through three sections: identifying warning signs, awareness of breast self- examination, and knowledge of risk factors.
Result: The study highlights significant gaps in women's awareness of breast cancer warning signs, with a notable recognition of symptoms such as breast lump/thickening (56%), nipple discharge (50%), and breast or armpit pain (48%). However, lesser-known indicators like nipple changes, alterations in breast skin color or shape, and nipple retraction are largely unrecognized. This underscores the need for targeted education on less common but crucial symptoms. Regarding breast self-examination (BSE), 66% of participants were unaware of its importance, and only 10% practiced BSE every six months. Confidence in detecting breast changes varied, with 28% expressing no confidence and 22% feeling very confident. In terms of risk factors, while a significant majority recognized family history (74%) and early menarche (66%) as risks, awareness varied for factors like hormone replacement therapy (50% unsure) and alcohol consumption (56% disagreed).
Conclusion: These findings underscore the imperative for comprehensive education programs to enhance awareness of breast cancer signs, promote regular self-examination practices, and improve understanding of risk factors among women attending Sir Sunderlal Hospital's Family Planning Outpatient Department in Varanasi.
Rajni Joshi, Dr. Vijay Kumar Jyotishi. Assess the awareness regarding breast cancer among women seeking out- patient care at family planning OPD of SSH, BHU, Varanasi. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2022;5(1):262-265. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2022.v5.i1.D.398