Assess the knowledge and attitude practices regarding nursing care documentation among staff nurses in SMCH
Mary Minolin T and Krishnapriya V
Nursing documentation is a crucial part of the nursing process as it is the essential way of communication within the health care team regarding patient care. Nurses’ knowledge about documentation is important as it is a legal requirement and main responsibility of nursing staff.
Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge and attitude regarding nursing care documentation on staff nurse.
Methods: Descriptive research design was adopted for the study with 60 samples which met the inclusion criteria were selected by convenience sampling technique. Demographic variables data were collected by using a multiple-choice questionnaire followed by assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding nursing care documentation.
Result: The findings of the Out of 60 samples that frequency and percentage of poor knowledge 1.78% average28.82% good knowledge 69.41% and frequency is poor knowledge 10 average knowledge 20 and good knowledge 30.
Conclusion: The staff nurse who are working in Saveetha medical college and hospital had good knowledge and attitude regarding Nursing care documentation.
Mary Minolin T, Krishnapriya V. Assess the knowledge and attitude practices regarding nursing care documentation among staff nurses in SMCH. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(2):245-247. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i2d.213