Assess the knowledge regarding prevalence and risk factors of childhood obesity during COVID-19
ThamuPriyadharshini NT*1, S Meenakshi2 and Nirosha S3
Obesity-related wellbeing costs derive so from its short and long-term co-morbidities. Firstly, obese children are at higher danger of glucose intolerance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. The present study objective is to assess the prevalence and risk factors of childhood obesity during covid-19 in urban center Ramapuram. The Descriptive cross-sectional research design was utilized for this investigation. The independent variable in this study is Prevalence and risk factor of obesity on covid -19. The dependent variables in this study are obesity among childhood. The study was conducted at the Ramapuram urban centre among childhood who attending obesity during covid-19. The study was conducted at Ramapuram Urban centre, The sample size is 30samples. Out of which 30samples in urban. People who satisfied the sampling criteria and are accessible at selected village during the period. The results of the survey showed that regarding age group out of 30samples of 15(50%) samples were Toddler, 9(30%) were Preschooler, 6(20%) were under school age. Majority of them had adequate knowledge 55%. Obesity, glucose intolerance and hypertension in childhood were strongly associated within premature death from endogenous causes in this population. In obesity between the ages of 5 and 14 years was more likely to have occurred at younger ages, primarily among children who had entered kindergarden overweight.
ThamuPriyadharshini NT*1, S Meenakshi2, Nirosha S3. Assess the knowledge regarding prevalence and risk factors of childhood obesity during COVID-19. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(2):96-98. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i2b.193