A study to assess the restless leg syndrome among elderly people
Alfred Soloman D, Rajeshwari R
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) was first described within the medical literature by the anatomist and physician Thomas Willis in 1685. Risk factors for RLS include advanced age, alcohol intake, smoking cigarettes, and caffeine intake. Poorly defined feeling of weakness and pain also are related to this syndrome. Sometimes, motor symptoms could also be present several times during the day; at other times they'll be totally absent. Primary RLS is idiopathic, and 42% of patients have a first-degree relative with this disorder. Secondary RLS is amid pregnancy or other medical conditions like insufficiency, iron deficiency anemia, paralysis agitans, and diabetic neuropathy. This study aim to assess the restless leg syndrome among elderly people. A descriptive research design was conducted among 100 elderly people. A non-progressive convenient sampling technique was wont to select the sample. Cambridge-Hopkins Diagnostic Questionnaire were wont to collect demographic variable and associate of level of restless leg syndrome. The study shows that, statistically significant association with moderate level of the people were affect with restless leg syndrome.
Alfred Soloman D, Rajeshwari R. A study to assess the restless leg syndrome among elderly people. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(2):42-46. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i2a.185