International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part D
A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion among school teachers in selected schools of urban area at Nagpur city

Savita Dhoble, Roshan Ade, Minal Ban, Rohini Dongre and Rewati Tdke

Introduction: Convulsion is a very frequent neurological disorder in children. The prevention and first aid management of convulsion is important to knowledge to provide knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion we select school teachers. That’s why we select this topic to provide knowledge and improve skills of school teachers regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion which is easy to use in emergency situation.
1.To assess the existing knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion among school teachers in selected schools of urban area s at Nagpur city.
2.To assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion among school teachers in selected schools of urban area s at Nagpur city.
3.To associate the post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables.
Method: The study based on quantitative evaluatory approach, this was a Quasi experimental one group pretest-post-test research design. The setting of the study was Sainath School and Bhartiya Dynanpith primary school at Nagpur and the sample size was 30. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used for the selection of sample. The tool was structured questionnaire for pretest and posttest. The pre-test was done by using prepared tool. After that, the video assisted teaching program was done for teachers.
Result: The level of knowledge were seen into 3 categories inadequate, moderate, adequate. The main study pre-test was shown that 10 (33.33%) teachers had inadequate, 20 (66.66%) teachers had moderate and 00 (00%) teachers had adequate knowledge. While the main study post-test shown that (10%) teachers having inadequate knowledge, (63.33%) teachers having moderate knowledge and (26.67%) teachers having adequate knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion. There is association between knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion with demographic variables.
Conclusion: The study reveals that there is a deficit knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion in pretest. The post-test knowledge was increased which reveals that video assisted teaching program was effective on knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion.
Pages : 270-272 | 2798 Views | 1554 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
Savita Dhoble, Roshan Ade, Minal Ban, Rohini Dongre, Rewati Tdke. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of convulsion among school teachers in selected schools of urban area at Nagpur city. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(1):270-272. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i1d.163
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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