A study to asess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors among late adolescent girls in selected colleges at Nagpur city
Nutan Bhasharkar, Anjali Bokde, Lokesh Humane and Ravina Meshram
Problem Statement: "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme Regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and its Contributing Factors among Late Adolescent Girls in Selected Colleges at Nagpur City."
Objectives of the study: 1. The objectives of the study were to assess the existing knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors among late adolescent girls in selected colleges at Nagpur city. 2. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors among late adolescent girls in selected colleges at Nagpur city. 3. To determine association between post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables.
Hypothesis: H0 - There is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of late adolescent girls regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors by planned questionnaire at p<0.05 level of significance.
H1 - There is significance difference between pre - test and post-test knowledge scores of late adolescent girls regarding Polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors by planned questionnaire at p<0.05 level of significance.
Method: The study was based on Quantitative evaluatory approach and one group pretest – post-test design. The setting of the study was Suretech College of nursing, Nagpur and sample size was 30. Non probability convenient sampling technique used for the selection of sample. The tool was structured questionnaires. The pretest was done by using structured questionnaires, and after that planned teaching programme on polycystic ovarian disorder and its contributing factors was done for late adolescent girls.
Result: The main study was conducted on late adolescent girls to assess the knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors. The level of knowledge seen in 3 categories poor, average and good. The main study pretest revealed that 26.66% late adolescent girls had average level and 73.33% had good level of knowledge. The main study post test showed that 13.33% late adolescent girls had average level of knowledge, 86.66% late adolescent girls having good level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian symdrome and its contributing factors and the mean score is 24.47. The data was calculated by using chi square test and t value was calculated as 9.81 at the level of significance 0.05 and table t value is 2.45. So, study revealed that the H1 hypothesis was accepted.
Conclusion: The study showed that the calculated value of main study post test was effectively higher than the pre-test. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that the study was effective and helped the late adolescent girls to improve their knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors.
Nutan Bhasharkar, Anjali Bokde, Lokesh Humane, Ravina Meshram. A study to asess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its contributing factors among late adolescent girls in selected colleges at Nagpur city. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2021;4(1):173-175. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2021.v4.i1c.148