Nurses' knowledge and Attitude about Covid-19 among elderly patients at Intensive Care Units: suggested education
Marwa M Abdelbacky Aml Ali Mohamed and Eman Fadl Abd El Khalik
Covid-19is health emergency causing fatal acute respiratory distress syndrome in elderly patients. Knowledge of nurses working with elderly infected had an impact on the attitude and care provided.
Aim: assess nurses’ knowledge and attitude about Covid-19 among elderly patients at intensive care units.
Design: descriptive research.
Sample: purposive sample of 78 nurses (male, female) selected conveniently included nurses working at isolation ICUs at Cardiothoracic, Health Insurance, and Malawi Isolation Hospital in Minia city, Egypt.
Results: (62.8%) of the sample were female, (48.1%) of them had bachelor degree, and (47.4%) institute. (29.5 %) had a satisfactory knowledge (25.6%) had `positive attitude. Mean ± S.D of knowledge (9.50±0.68) for satisfactory group and (6.48±0.68) for unsatisfactory. (21.5±1.10) had positive attitude and (10.7±3.53) were negative. A high statistical significant difference between both domains presented by P value (0.000**).
Conclusion: nurses had lower knowledge level about caring of elderly patients with COVID-19which reflected on their attitude.
Marwa M Abdelbacky Aml Ali Mohamed, Eman Fadl Abd El Khalik. Nurses' knowledge and Attitude about Covid-19 among elderly patients at Intensive Care Units: suggested education. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2020;3(2):14-21. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2020.v3.i2a.94