International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
2018, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
A study to explore the level of subjective experience of coercion among individuals with psychiatric disorders

Pramila BR, Dr. Sunanda GT, Dr. R Sreevani and Dr. Raveesh BN

Background: The Coercion is a subjective inner experience of a particular intervention performed against a person’s will, either through force or through threat of force. Ideally, no person should be coerced into treatment. Perceived coercion was found to be influenced by various socio-demographic, clinical and social factors.
Aims: To assess the subjective experience coercion among individuals with psychiatric disorders admitted at psychiatric hospitals.
Materials and Methods: The descriptive research design was adapted to assess the subjective experience of coercion of 100 patients with schizophrenia were selected from convenient sampling technique based inclusive criteria at state Government runs mental health institute, Karnataka, India and collected data using tools semi structured questionnaire to assess the perceived coercion and socio-demographic data sheet.
Results: In the assessment of perceived coercion reveals that, 34% of patients had mild perceived coercion and majority 66% of patients had moderate perceived coercion and none of the samples had severe perceived coercion. And also significant association was observed between perceived coercion and socio demographic variables, like place of residence of the patients, duration of anti psychotic treatments of patients and illiteracy levels of the patients at the level of p<0.05.
Conclusions: The study shows that the majority have moderate level subjective experience of coercion among patients with schizophrenia. It needs to address the caring strategies’ to reduce the level of perceived coercion at mental health care settings.
Pages : 21-25 | 2014 Views | 983 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
How to cite this article:
Pramila BR, Dr. Sunanda GT, Dr. R Sreevani, Dr. Raveesh BN. A study to explore the level of subjective experience of coercion among individuals with psychiatric disorders. Int J Adv Res Nurs 2018;1(2):21-25. DOI: 10.33545/nursing.2018.v1.i2a.16
International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
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